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From increasing brand awareness to driving traffic to your booth to gaining recognition as an industry expert and getting front and center with the media, CWCBExpo brings you an array of opportunities and sponsorship packages to meet and exceed your sales and marketing objectives. Capitalize on the vast market potential of the New York tri-state area and elevate your company to the highest position within the cannabis business community. The award-winning show is held at Las Vegas Convention Center and showcases over 250,000 square feet of exhibits, 3-day conference, pre-show forums, and over 140 speakers plus extraordinary networking and partnership-building opportunities. It was in 2018 that the FDA approved the first-ever CBD-infused drug created to treat certain types of epilepsy nfl results today. A few months later, the Farm Bill was passed, legalizing the production and use of hemp as an industrial level. Amidst these regulations, the market still hosts brands intending to profit through wrong means .

As mentioned above, COP-13, in 2016 focused on mainstreaming in agriculture, forests, fisheries and tourism while COP-14, in December 2018 focussed on mainstreaming in energy and mining, infrastructure, manufacturing and processing, as well as health. Parties to the Convention were required to submit national reports to the Secretariat on measures taken for the implementation of the Convention and their effectiveness. The national report guidance contained in Decision XIII/27 asks countries to report on their contributions to the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and how and to what extent these contributions support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The current major issues expected to be debated at the upcoming CBD meetings in 2020 are detailed in the following section. At the PreCOP of the CBD hosted by Colombia in August 2021, the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People (HAC for N&P), theGlobal Ocean Alliance and theLeaders’ Pledge for Nature came together and presented ajoint statementon joining forces for nature and calling for an ambitious outcome at CBD COP15. As Parties to the CBD negotiate the terms of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, it appears crucial to integrate interlinkages between nature and people and the services that ocean ecosystems provide for a well- functioning, happy and healthy society.

  • This is extremely useful if any country identifies that one chemical is causing damage to biodiversity, to trigger this process.
  • During the Kunming talks last week, African delegates repeatedly stressed the importance of sharing benefits arising from use of the continent’s genetic resources and their DSI, and called for discussions on the issue to be finalised.
  • Do Some Research Instead of blindly trusting a company’s marketing strategies, use your own knowledge of production and extraction methods and claims pirate bay3.
  • It identifies general goals and policies, and countries are free to determine how they want to implement them.
  • This is because the FDA only enforces quality and safety standards if a safety issue arises once a product is on the market.

Commonly known by the name CBD, cannabidiol has become a breakthrough wellness and health ingredient in recent years. However, regulators are trying to catch up to the rapid growth of the industry signs. Though much research has already been carried out, CBD products still lack regulatory standards as seen in the foods, beverages and where can i buy cbd cream for pain near me supplements. Not every product becoming a part of the green rush contains premium-quality natural ingredients. The CBD marketplace is flooding with marketers trying to benefit from the growing popularity and demand by providing low-quality products behind pretty packaging and false claims on cannabidiol packaging product labels.

If France continues to apply and enforce national regulations that are considered contrary to EU law, it could ultimately risk becoming the subject of an infringement procedure before the EU courts. With our partners, we organized and contributed to eight events on a range of topics including on environmentally harmful subsidies. Subsidy experts Doug Koplow and Ronald Steenblik joined us for a lively debate following a recent study co-authored by The B Team that found we’re spending at least $1.8 trillion on subsidies that harm the environment.

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For many years, one of the criticisms against the Framework, such as in the goals, targets, reporting, and monitoring, is that it is in many respects silent on the issue of human rights. However, Indigenous Peoples are cognizant that applying a rights-based approach would mean including women, youth, and Indigenous Peoples. This would help to avoid or reduce the potential for biodiversity policies to violate human rights and would allow for a successful implementation of the overall Framework goals. The CBD espouses a philosophy of sustainable use of Earth’s finite natural resources, recognizing that all ecosystems, species, and even genes must be protected and utilized for the benefit of all human beings.

  • The conference is one of the most established industry events of its kind and will be marking its tenth annual event.
  • The UN Biodiversity Conference, originally scheduled to take place in 2020 but delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is not just another international environmental conference.
  • Located in Milan, Italy, this event is held in an 8,000 sqm center, featuring over 170 exhibitors and attracting thousands of attendees from all over the world.
  • Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia, outlined her country’s progress on risk-based assessments for business activities and conservation partnerships with local communities.
  • All these Parties and stakeholders insisted on how critical it is to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity, as well as to coordinate and cooperate to address the interlinked matters of biodiversity erosion, climate change and global health.

The ultimate objective of all three agreements under the UNFCCC is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system, in a time frame which allows ecosystems to adapt naturally and enables sustainable development. The success of the CBD and the IPPC in protecting plants and the environment is very much dependent on the implementation of their provisions by national governments. The prevention of the spread of invasive alien species and plant pests is primarily an international approach in which countries must cooperate to prevent the natural or man-facilitated spread of such organisms. For many developing countries and especially for least-developed countries, however, the protection of the environment may not be located high on their list of national priorities. These countries may need to use their scarce resources to establish basic economic conditions taken for granted in the developed world.

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Challenges that are anticipated when performing environmental releases of such organisms are mainly related to the fact that the technology is targeting wild populations and may be irreversible, and thus the step-wise approach to environmental releases, as practiced with other types of LMOs, may require adaptation. The Secretariat of the Convention has supported the Voluntary National Review process by informing the Parties to the Convention of the themes of the upcoming HPLF and encouraging them to provide biodiversity relevant inputs to their national representatives though their national processes. Biological diversity underpins ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services that are essential for human well-being. It provides for food security, human health, the provision of clean air and water; it contributes to local livelihoods, and economic development more generally.

If you’re ready to break out of your bubble this year and attend an in-person cannabis conference, there are plenty of in-person 2022 cannabis events for your consideration. Natural and biological resources are important to sustain Puis-je les acheter légalement ? all of life but are especially critical to Indigenous Peoples, whose lives and livelihoods are intricately intertwined with nature. Indigenous Peoples do not view themselves as separate from Mother Nature but as a part of her.

The Ad Hoc Working Group met for its first session from 16 to 18 November 1988 and discussed on a preliminary basis the possible contents of a new international legal instrument on biological diversity (see Report of the Working Group, UNEP/Bio.Div.1/3). Secondly, few sunshine methods were found as respondents indicated that opportunities for public participation are limited. Sunshine methods allow flexibility and are more subtle than negative incentives in encouraging compliance.

C3 is the culmination of years worth of experience producing the leading vape and cannabis trade s more… A sister platform, RegionsWithNature, was launched recently by ICLEI, Regions4, and several other network organizations and regional governments. The Convention was opened for signature on 5 June 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio “Earth Summit”). The CBD’s Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequence Informationmetonline – rather than in Montreal, Canada – to form recommendations for the post-2020 biodiversity framework. Use and supply genetic resources and their derivatives on terms and conditions consistent with those under which they were acquired.

  • He said the biosphere relates to SDGs 14 and 15, and underpins healthy societies and economies, with biodiversity contributing food resources, income through nature-based tourism, and job creation.
  • The aim is also to advance the scientific knowledge, entailing also investments in scientific experimentation to understand how reduced pesticides and various forms of integrated pest management might support continued food production, resilience and agricultural systems.
  • Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC, stressed that “nature is our best ally” in the fight against climate change, and called for countries to systematically link their CBD, UNFCCC, and SDG-related commitments, including their nationally determined contributions and NBSAPs.
  • Consumer trade expo featuring industry expert speakers, workshops, and business networking opportunities.

Underscoring that “we have to change how we think, act, and measure success,” Zakia Khattabi, Minister of the Climate, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal, Belgium, presented on national conservation efforts at the federal and regional levels, including the establishment of a federal sustainable finance strategy. Kyrgyz President Sadyr Nurgozhoevich Japarov underscored the interlinkages between biodiversity conservation and climate change, and drew attention to the sustainable development of mountainous regions. Highlighting the importance of international cooperation, he outlined national efforts to protect biodiversity and urged supporting a special programme on forests under the auspices of the UN.

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The Goals interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030. Indeed, its Article VII.2a specifies that phytosanitary measures shall not be taken without technical justification, which is understood to be a pest risk analysis. This apparent contradiction between the two conventions, however, becomes less evident on closer inspection. The use of the terms “significant reduction” and “lack of full scientific certainty” in the CBD’s precautionary approach seems to imply that certain knowledge should be available.

  • CannaOne Conferences + Expos are business-to-business based trade show events for the legalized Cannabis and Hemp industries.
  • Simply put, we care so much about promoting the cannabis industry, which we helped to create through our advocacy efforts, that we dove deep into research to try and find every possible cannabis event out there.
  • We have also mentioned UNEA in relation to the recent UNEA but also the future ones as they might be bringing together the pollution and the nature pillars under the UNEA discourse.
  • This festival has gone from hosting approximately 500 attendees in its first year, to nearly 100,000 today.
  • Georgia, for CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE, pointed to equally crucial aspects of the GBF including the importance of national biodiversity strategies and action plans , mainstreaming biodiversity, and specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound monitoring indicators.

FK drafted the manuscript with support from AA who critically reviewed it and also contributed content. At the time of writing, the program of work is in progress, with drafts of the four commissioned studies released in late 2019 for “peer review”51, and the AHTEG on Digital Sequence Information scheduled to meet in March 2020. To date there has been limited discussion on DSI in the context of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, with the draft text of this released in January 2020 referring to ongoing work in this area52. As referred to above, in October 2020 the governing bodies of the CBD and its Protocols (COP-MOP10 for the Cartagena Protocol; COP-MOP4 for the Nagoya Protocol) will meet in concurrent sessions held over a 2-week period in Kunming, China. Synthetic biology is a stand-alone agenda item under the CBD, and it will also be considered within the NEI agenda item.

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The renowned ‘let’s talk hemp’ crew will also be there, calling out for new speakers to join the trade floor for insightful speeches, discussions, and networking opportunities. These events are focused solely on CBD, allowing for businesses to promote and offer their CBD-related products to consumers and share their knowledge of all things CBD. There are 75+ exhibitors, 3,500 attendees, and an impressive lineup of speakers and panel discussions with experts from a wide variety of fields within the CBD industry.

  • The three main objectives of the CBD aim to maintain the world’s environmental conditions in the face of its economic development.
  • It is also likely to feature in any deliberation on the NEI issue in the 2020 meetings.
  • In addition, and most importantly, a clear and proportionate, risk-based regulation of CBD-based products will ultimately benefit EU consumers.
  • At its fifth meeting, in decision BS-V/9, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (COP-MOP) mandated a number of activities for laboratories involved in the detection and identification of living modified organisms .
  • This is incredibly relevant if you’re a CBD influencer or simply if you want to show people how much you love CBD.

He highlighted relevant recommendations and focused on the development of a new programme of work on Article 8 and related provisions, including objectives, general principles, and draft elements. He stressed that the unique relationship IPLCs have with the CBD is one of the Convention’s biggest strengths, urging for further strengthening and empowering IPLCs’ role, fully respecting and protecting their rights. The CBD ALLIANCE welcomed the postponement of substantial negotiations until face-to-face meetings can resume, and urged parties to be serious about halting and reversing biodiversity loss. She emphasized that today’s economic logic perpetuates biodiversity loss and impacts negatively on IPLCs, and called for a multilateral benefit-sharing mechanism for the use of DSI. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, CBD, noted that holding COP 15 in one of the world’s most culturally and ecologically diverse locations denotes the deep value of nature and the links between nature and culture. She highlighted China’s actions to protect and restore biodiversity and drew attention to the interconnecting biodiversity, climate, and health emergencies, noting that the COVID-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of these interconnections.

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Those genetic resources often come from megadiverse and complex ecosystems where traditional knowledge and local communities play a great role in maintaining natural resources. Access and Benefit-Sharing aims at defining ways in which genetic resources may be accessed, and how benefits derived from their use are equally shared. Human activities are destroying nature at a rate much faster than it can replenish itself. The COVID-19 pandemic is a warning sign that the decline of nature is destabilizing society.

Global organisations such as IUCN, WWF, youth groups such as GYBN, regional institutions such as the EU, AWF are also publishing reports, policy analysis, toolkits, and info briefs on targeted topics related to biodiversity and climate issues. To become more familiar with specific sections related to biodiversity and advocacy, you can explore the website from ICLEI, Local & Subnational advocacy for nature. They have webinar series about the post-2020 framework useful to better understand and engage on the topic. Going from attending some of our favorite cannabis conventions to watching from quarantine as the majority of events were canceled or smartly shifted to a digital format was a sight to see.

We have been engaged in the drafting of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework through a number of platforms . We began with the review and contributions to developing the indicators for the framework, with a special emphasis on mountains, and also joined global conservation organizations for a statement on advocacy for World Heritage to foster conservation and development. Through the Global Landscapes Forum , we shared the HKH Call to Action and One World – One Health report at the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference last year. We also utilized other platforms and advocated for the conservation of mountain environments at the First Virtual Mountain Summit and Mountain Biodiversity Day. The Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions address some of the most significant chemicals and waste pollution identified in the last several decades and contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.

Gov. Phil Murphy signed a law launching a program to grow hemp freely in the Garden State in August, and federal and state guidelines are expected to be issued on the crop in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, CBD has thrived in a gray area, as little regulation on the products has created consumer confusion. But both are legal, with CBD potentially racking in $20 billion in the next few years.

Access virtual booths, on-demand education, and online networking a couple weeks prior to the Anaheim event. Your BNI Membership helps develop long-lasting business relationships built on a solid foundation of our time-tested core values. The Garden State recently surpassed 55,000 medical marijuana patients, and counts on some 2,000 caregivers and 1,000 doctors who participate in the program. From navigating real estate to banking, operating a cannabusiness comes with its own set of obstacles. Here, experts will tell you about the contacts you need to keep your business on track.

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If you see that a company uses other extraction methods, look for any harmful chemicals used and the benefits depleted attack on titan english dub netflix. Do Some Research Instead of blindly trusting a company’s marketing strategies, use your own knowledge of production and extraction methods and claims pirate bay3. There is a difference between brands white-labeling their products and brands that control the entire process from cultivation and growth to formulation and production. Those companies who white label the products don’t even know where the ingredients come from, posing a threat to consumers concerned about quality .

The Conference of the Parties has established seven thematic programmes of work which correspond to some of the major biomes on the planet. Each programme establishes a vision for, and basic principles to guide future work. They also set out key issues for consideration, identify potential outputs, which cbd strain is best for anxiety and suggest a timetable and means for achieving these. Implementation of the work programmes depends on contributions from Parties, the Secretariat, relevant intergovernmental and other organizations. Periodically, the COP and the SBSTTA review the state of implementation of the work programmes.

The plenary primarily addressed the necessary order of business, including ensuring that an interim budget is in place for 2022 for the smooth operation of the Convention. Nevertheless, the meeting was also important to maintaining momentum and attracting political attention. CBD Executive Secretary Mrema emphasized the overall objective to reduce, halt, and reverse biodiversity loss, putting biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030 and achieving the 2050 vision of living in harmony with nature. She drew attention to encouraging commitments made during the high-level segment by China, the EU, Japan, philanthropic organizations, intergovernmental organizations, and others. She noted the Kunming Declaration points to the right direction, highlighting biodiversity mainstreaming, redirection of subsidies, and full and effective participation of IPLCs, and called for the delivery of an ambitious GBF.

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Many advocates and industry leaders have called for diversity as the state’s cannabis industry grows. A new round of medical licenses set aside 15 percent are for women, veterans and those with disabilities and another 15 percent for minorities. Pascrell will be among more than two dozen speakers who form part of an intense networking and conversations about medical What’s the difference between standard and Sugar Free CBD Gummies? marijuana expansion, legalization and the hemp and CBD industries as part of NJ Cannabis Insider’s live event. These meetings will provide an excellent opportunity to support Parties in targeted capacity-building. Uganda is a landlocked country located where seven of Africa’s biogeographic regions converge, making it a country with a high level of biodiversity.

  • This specialized two-day conference will deliver critical information regarding risk mitigation, security strategies, and security solutions for grow and dispensary operations, from facilities to financial transactions and product transport.
  • The Global Youth Biodiversity Network reminded us of the necessity to act at the roots of biodiversity loss, and called for a worldwide change of all our societies and economies.
  • There are many reasons to attend, above all around 100 Suppliers and over 50 high profile speakers, all under one roof.
  • Every time a new batch of hemp extract is complete, the manufacturer voluntarily sends a sample off to an independent lab for analysis.
  • Besides this declaration, some Parties took the opportunity to underline some weaknesses in the current implementation of the CBD agreements.

Institutional transformative change entails a change in the institutional culture. The Basel Convention adopted the Plastic Waste Amendments in 2019, clarifying the scope of plastic waste subject to the PIC procedure and promoting the environmentally sound management, prevention and minimization of plastic waste. The Convention on Biological Diversity also contributes to preventing and mitigating the adverse impacts of plastic waste on biodiversity. People worldwide rely on wild plant species as a source of food, income, medicine, construction materials, ornamentation and other products. TRAFFIC has provided input to the CBD’sGlobal Strategy for Plant Conservation and also helped develop theFairWild Standardto support efforts to ensure wild plants are managed, harvested and traded sustainably. The promotion of international co-operation, providing advice and recommendations, along with action at the national level are among TRAFFIC’s top priorities to address wildlife trade issues.

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Although it is aimed at investors, it also offers opportunities for cannabis companies. Whether they are looking to raise money or demo their products, IC3 is a good forum for making connections. Their Hemp Bulletin provides daily hemp pricing and a discussion of the factors that affect hemp price.

  • Find all of your Legalized Cannabusiness needs; products, services, and partnerships, at our series of B2B expos USCannaExpos.com or online at the Cannabusiness Industrial Marketplace.
  • Products made with CBD in the U.S. retail market should not contain THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that produces a high.
  • NbS are important for both mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and many countries have been including these in their environmental planning for the last decade or more.
  • Demonstrate how national ecosystem assessments can help countries to overcome challenges in key aspects of the implementation of the CBD.
  • Orlando Jorge Mera, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Dominican Republic, outlined national efforts to establish and monitor protected areas, and manage invasive alien species, and called for adequate financial resources, capacity building, and South-South cooperation to ensure implementation.

Nyamjav Urtnasan, Minister of Environment and Tourism, Mongolia, highlighted the national 2050 vision, including a special section on green development, and outlined efforts on protected areas, freshwater resources, conserving biodiversity and combating desertification, and an initiative to plant one billion trees by 2030. Lea Wermelin, Minister of Environment, Denmark, identified key enablers for biodiversity recovery including resource mobilization, innovative financial mechanisms, technical and scientific support, and accountability safeguards. Baomiavotse Vahinala Raharinirina, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Madagascar, illustrated her country’s efforts to combat the abusive and illicit exploitation of unique natural resources via species-specific action plans under a landscape approach. Bounkham Vorachit, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, focused on the interconnected socio-economic development and sustainable management of natural resources and environmental safeguards in her country. The UN Biodiversity Conference’s task is to set the path for a sustainable future by systemizing the actions needed to ensure transformative change to rebuild a harmonious relationship between nature and people.

Join top growers, suppliers, manufacturers, extraction equipment/services, hundreds of top speakers/keynotes and thousands of delegates together to bring you up-to-date on proven methods, innovations and technology. Sind Gummibärchen-Dosen mit 3000mg CBD auch für Anfänger geeignet? This year’s expo will include the Grow Up Extraction Zone, presented by Extraction Magazine. A one-of a kind event featuring all the innovative products and services that are disrupting traditional markets.

In the second roundtable, entitled “Knowledge, Innovation and Benefit-Sharing”, participants focused on the equitable sharing of all benefits from biodiversity knowledge, technologies and innovations. Technical experts and ministers discussed the importance of technology transfers and capacity-building, along with data-sharing, for the success of the Global Biodiversity Framework. The second roundtable, on the topic of “Closing the Financing Gap and Ensuring Means of Implementation”, addressed the mobilization of resources for the implementation of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Ministers discussed the value of ecosystem services and the potential accountability of natural capital in national and international financial systems. The Conventional on Biological Diversity NGO Parallel Forum in Kunming was held in September 27 – 28. This was a unique opportunity for NGOs such as Resource Africa to join with the African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance to participate in the 2-day forum that was held virtually.

By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and strategies to manage them developed so that populations of prioritized invasive alien species are managed. Also, India has been investing a huge amount on biodiversity directly or indirectly through several development schemes of the central and state governments, to the tune of Rs 70,000 crores per annum as against the estimated annual requirement of nearly Rs 1,09,000 crore. According to the report, India has exceeded the terrestrial component of 17% of Aichi target 11, and 20% of corresponding NBT relating to areas under biodiversity management. The report highlights that while India has exceeded/ overachieved two NBTs, it is on track to achieve eight NBTs and with respect to two remaining NBTs, the country is striving to meet the targets by the stipulated time of 2020.

Convention On Biological Diversity

The Subsidiary Body on Implementation has been meeting and part of its discussion contributes to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Specifically, draft Target 7 aims at reducing pollution from all sources to levels that are not harmful to biodiversity and ecosystem functions and human health. When the Framework is adopted, hopefully including and strengthening this Target, there will be an opening both at the international and national levels to work on the common issue of pollution. Again, the joint CBD Program of Work on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity underlines the importance of this subject and contributes to preventing and mitigating adverse impacts of plastic waste on biodiversity. Hopefully, this new Convention or Treaty to be negotiated can play a major role in terms of supporting countries to continue to tackle plastic waste and bringing the chemicals, waste and biodiversity clusters together.

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Mobilizing more climate finance for smallholder farmers and channel more adaptation funding through small farmer groups in developing countries. I confirm that I would like to be added to Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support contact list to receive monthly newsletters including updated news, publications, videos and agenda. During the closing ceremony, the Parties and observers received the conclusions of the forum on Ecological Civilization that was held the day before.

Deforestation and by extension desertification adversely affects the livelihoods of forest dwelling people who dependent directly or indirectly on land and forests. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals Goal 15 (G-15) aims to promote the sustainable management of forests, combat desertification, land degradation, loss of biodiversity and its effects on climate change in developing countries like Nigeria. Therefore, this paper proposes the concepts sustainable land use , forest resources management and Protection of Biodiversity as measures to climate change resulting rapid deforestation, desertification and land degradation in Nigeria. The results and conclusions of the paper submit that SLU, FRM and PBD can significantly reduce the effects of climate change. This can be achieved by investments in early warning systems, public awareness, and educational sensitization campaigns. The successful adoption and implementation of SLU, FRM and PBD practices can potentially stimulate long term socio-economic growth and sustainable development in Nigeria.

These panel discussions will feature local politicians, lawyers, business owners and producers. At the end of each discussion, you will have the chance to ask questions during a Q&A session. Before we jump into the list, you may ask yourself, how did this become the best, most comprehensive list of conventions? Simply put, we care so much about promoting the cannabis industry, which we helped to create through our advocacy efforts, that we dove deep into research to try and find every possible cannabis event out there. Well to be clear, we don’t include one-off events like stand alone networking events, the CBD events that your local yoga studio hosts or quick panels more for educational purposes.

The event will be focused around risk management, with experts from The Jacobsen, including lead analyst Chase Hubbard, addressing topics such as market fluctuations in the hemp industry and current issues impacting hemp prices. Cocktails and appetizers will be offered, and space is limited, so be sure to register if you plan to attend. There are lots of events focused exclusively on hemp and everything related to this non-psychoactive version of the cannabis plant. They also provide information on legislative developments with regards to the legality of hemp in various jurisdictions. Forecasts on the industry at large, along with more regional outlooks, are discussed and shared with attendees. Given the fact that the regulatory landscape affecting the industry is constantly evolving, CBD events seek to educate the public and garner trust in the health benefits of this non-psycoactive cannabis plant compound.

  • The IIFB called on parties to go beyond protected areas and recognize Indigenous lands, based on the principles of self-identification, self-determination, self-governance and free, prior informed consent by Indigenous Peoples.
  • The Secretariats of the BRS and Minamata Stockholm Conventions jointly prepared a report called “Interlinkages between the Chemicals and Waste Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Biodiversity – Key insights” Pollution is one of the key drivers of biodiversity loss.
  • Coordination of collective efforts at all three levels of governments and across different sectors is pivotal for achieving global, national, regional and local biodiversity targets.
  • Slovenia, for the EUROPEAN UNION , stressed that the window for humanity to avoid the collapse of our Earth’s life-support systems is closing quickly.

Formerly known as the Horticultural Lighting Conference, this annual event has led the way in transforming horticultural practices by connecting research and technology to growers around the world. As technology and agriculture are working together more than even before – this conference is an opportunity to expand your knowledge in the field and network with some key manufacturers. Attendees can also expect discussions delta 9 thc vs delta 10 involving cross-breeding, back-crossing, the modification of THC levels, the increase of yield, the alteration of the flavor profile of a strain, and changing the durability of a cannabis plant in various climates. The more scientific aspects of the cultivation process involve panel discussions, where a panel of expert speakers are in attendance, educating attendees on the details and science of cultivation.

If you’re a B2B or B2C company and interested to find more about packaging, distributors, cultivators, investors, branding, private label, white label, law, accounting and everything in-between our event is the only event to look at. Gain insight into the CBD industry through product demonstrations, educational seminars and keynote presentations from companies such as CBD edibles, CBD topicals, CBD How do 250mg CBD Gummies compare against 500mg, 750mg and 1000mg CBD Gummies? lifestyle products, CBD beauty, CBD vape, CBD tincture CBD Cosmetics and everything in-between. You will find up to 100 international Suppliers and around 50 international professional speakers, all under one roof, delivering the education and guidance that you are looking for. There are many reasons to attend, above all around 100 Suppliers and over 50 high profile speakers, all under one roof.

International and multilateral decision-making process on biodiversity will assuredly impact – hopefully in a positive way – future generations for decades to come. That is why Post2020 Biodiversity Framework-EU Support is eager to work hand in hand with the youth via civil society organizations and NGOs tackling biodiversity issues. Involving the youth networks – such as the Global Youth Biodiversity Network – into multilateral mobilization is crucial to ensure the transmission of a where to buy cbd oil in charleston sc viable planet to future generation. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration aims to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean. The supplement to ISPM 11 is a technical standard intended to provide details regarding the analysis of risks of plant pests to the environment and biological diversity, including those risks affecting uncultivated/unmanaged plants, wild flora, habitats and ecosystems contained in the pest risk analysis area.

It is of importance to states that different international agreements partly covering the same substance do not provide contradictory approaches or room for conflicting interpretations. Situations where national governments by implementing the provision of one international agreement may violate the provisions of another should be avoided. Thus it would be advisable if joint activities could be conducted to analyse the guiding principles of the CBD and the IPPC and its standards in order to resolve possible conflicting approaches and to agree on a common understanding and terminology. The approach can be considered as the underlying principle in phytosanitary policy. For decades, governments have operated their phytosanitary policy on the principle of preventing the introduction of quarantine pests, and if this fails, eradicating or containing them. This is also reflected in many provisions of the IPPC, although a detailed hierarchical approach is not explicitly specified.

The network supports nine countries in the region – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. As part of the CBD-funded project, we organized a policy dialogue on Aichi Target 11 focusing on the protected areas in South Asia, and a webinar on other effective area-based conservation measures . Additionally, a compendium of good practices and case studies in protected areas and OECM, and a detailed report on the progress made against Aichi Target 11 in the South Asia region are being readied for publication. At the CBD meetings, we are talking about the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. We must use them as the starting point of the next decade, moving from the silo implementation of different conventions into this whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach both at international and regional levels. But most importantly at national and local levels, where the actual action on the ground will take place.